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International Politics (Complete Understanding And 4 Explanation)

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Complete understanding and explanation of international politics – Politics is indeed a thing that will not be able to be released from a life of society and also state. Politics is closely related to the government system of a country.

There are many experts who raise their opinions about political understanding or definition. One of them is Joice Mitchel, he thinks that politics is a collective decision making or general wisdom for the whole community.

International Politics is about the many actors that shape our worlds such as countries, formal and informal international organizations such as the IMF and the G20, non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International, non-state actors such as terrorists, multinational companies, or influential billionaires such as.

Well, now we will be in the language of international politics, following the understanding and explanation of international politics that I have quoted.

International Politics

A. Understanding

In Contemporary Political Science, the Unesco issue of 1950, international politics is one of the core subject studies in the study of international relations that examines all forms of struggle in the fight for interest and Power.

When politics is the study of who gets what, when, and how, then international politics is a study of who gets what, when, and how in the international arena.

International Politics
Ilustrasi Car Politics | photo: Pixabay

Thus, international political study according to Holsti is a study of the pattern of State action on the environment in reaction to the response of other countries.

In addition to the elements of power, interests and actions, international politics also includes attention to the international system and the conduct of decision makers in conflict situations. So international politics illustrates two-way relationships, describing reactions and non-action responses (see picture).

B. Scope

Before discussing the scope of international politics, it is necessary to discernment the use of international political terms and international relations, where the term both still often used to change for the same thing. This is because at first the international relations-still in a narrow sense-only emphasizes on political aspects.

The scientific definition of international relations in a narrow sense says that: “The science of international relations as an academic subject primarily pays attention to the political relationship between nation-state”.

This definition gives pressure to the aspects of political relations, as the times are deemed necessary to give broader meaning to the relationship between countries. Thus, international relations generally include not only political elements, but also economic, social, cultural and other elements.

The difference between international relations and international politics can then be seen from its scope. The scope of HI encompasses all types of relations or interactions between countries, including non-state associations and organisations (economics, tourism, trade and so on).

While the scope of international politics is limited only “game of power” involving sovereign states. So in the HI the actors are state and non-state, while in international politics the culprit is just the state.

International politics is one form of interaction in international relations. International politics discusses the political situation or problems in the international community in a narrower sense focused on diplomacy and inter-State relations and other political units.

International politics such as domestic politics consist of elements of cooperation and conflict, demand and support, disruption and arrangement, the country also makes distinction between comrades and opponents.

International politics sees the actions of a country in response to other countries ‘ actions. In other words, international politics is the process of interaction between two or more countries.

C. International politics and foreign politics 

If you are confused with the use of international political terms and foreign politics, then you belong to a large group of experts in the field. Foreign politics and international politics are both a sub-study of international relations.

In general, foreign politics is a tool of value formulae, attitudes, direction and objectives to maintain, secure and advance the national interest in the international world.

While most of the studies on “world politics” or international politics have in fact been a study of foreign policy, in other words it is not detached from foreign politics, nevertheless they should be distinguished. Then where is the difference?

The difference is that the two are more academic than real, if foreign politics emphasizes on the objectives and actions of one country while international politics emphasizes interaction between two or more countries.

Foreign Politics

Country A Other country (environment)



International Politics

State A Country B

Target > actions

Target > action

In general, the object of an international political study is also a foreign political study, where the two emphasize the explanation of the importance, actions and elements of power. But those who analyze the actions of a country against the environment and external conditions are essentially related to foreign politics.

While those who view the above actions are addressed in the form of reaction or other country’s response to the country, it relates to international politics, or the interaction process between two or more countries.

In other words, international politics can also be described as an “arena” of interactions of various foreign politics.

As an illustration:

The international politics that occurred in the Cold War era were the power performances between the Western Bloc (America) and the Eastern Bloc (Soviet union). In addressing the situation, Indonesia has implemented a non-active foreign policy that is not favoring one of its hostile blocks.

D. Inter-State interaction forms

Part C of this paper is directly extracted from the book Introduction to the Science of HI (Anak Agung Perwita; 2005). Interaction forms can be distinguished based on the number of parties interacting, the intensity of interactions, and the interaction patterns they form.

In international relations, interactions that occur between actors can be recognized because of its survival intensity (recurrent) forming a certain pattern.

In general the reaction form of a country to another country can be accommodation (accommodation), ignore (ignore), pretend as if information and messages from other countries have not received (pretend), stalling time (procrastinate), Bargain (bargain), and refuse (resist) action from other countries.

Forms of interaction based on the number of parties who have relationships, among others, are distinguished into bilateral, trilateral, regional, and multilateral/international relations. The meaning of bilateral relations is a condition that describes the relationship of mutual influence or the occurrence of reciprocal relationship between two parties.

Patterns formed from the interaction process, seen from the tendency of attitude and the purpose of the parties who do the reciprocal relationship, are differentiated into cooperation, competition and conflict patterns.

The formulation of these aksi-reaksi patterns gives the impression that the sequence of action and reaction is always closed or symmetrical. For example country A issued action against Country B, the action will be perceived by the decision-makers in country B, and subsequently based on the results of the archive, Negara B will respond or react to the action of the State.

Then the reaction of country B is again responded by state A of follow-up action. In this process there is a mutual relationship (reciprocal). If there are more than two countries involved in the interaction.

From the above exposure can be maximized that in international politics the interaction process takes place in a container or environment, or a process of interaction, interrelationship and interplay (affecting each other) between actors with its environment or Instead.


1. Banyu Perwita, Anak Agung dan Yanyan Moch. Yani,2005, Pengantar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung

2. Budiarjo, Mirriam1991, Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Politik, PT. Gramedia, Jakarta

3. Hoffman, Stanley, 1960, (ed),Contemporary Theory in International Relations, Englewood Cliffs, N.J

4. Pengantar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional,Pustaka Tinta Mas Surabaya, Wiriatmadja, Suwardi,1967,

5. Politik Internasional; Kerangka Untuk Analisis, Holsti,K.J, 1983,  terj. M. Tahir Azhary, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta

6. journaluniversity.com

This is an article about international politics that you can make as an additional reference for completing college assignments and research.

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