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Wonderful of Wurung Crater Bondowoso is Like New Zealand

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Wurung Crater is a tour that is synonymous with savanna fields and very beautiful hills and the only beautiful place in Banyuwangi district which is surrounded by large holes like a caldera.

If you visit or visit the Ijen crater, the only favorite tourist spot in Banyuwangi, then I suggest visiting the Wurung Crater destination, which is 9 kilometers from the Ijen crater which is quite close and very disadvantageous if you don’t visit because you are already responsible.

Some tourist destinations say that it is a miniature of Bromo because there are many hills that are similar to Teletabis hills, Batok hills like Mount Batok Bromo are really very beautiful and amazing, perfect for taking the best angels on this hill.

Here there is also a love incline like the love climb of Ranu Kubolo and on the left as far as you can see many beautiful trees and here there is also a ring hill that surrounds the wurung crater in the form of a caldera-forming a large puddle.

Travel Route Towards Wurung Crater Bondowoso

From the direction of Surabaya and Probolinggo we will go to Bondowoso terminal, from the Bondowoso terminal we will go to Sempol village, from sempol village to Wurung Crater which is in PTPN XII Kalisat Jampit, Kec Sempol.

Wurung crater Ijen (Kawah Wurung) means the crater is not finished, that is true according to its meaning because the crater usually contains water deposits but in the Wurung crater as far as the eye can see there are only savanna and green grass and beautiful hills like Teletubbies Bromo.

Wurung Crater
Panoramic view of the wurung crater | Photo: bendebesah.com

Ticket prices for Wurung Crater

The name of Bondowoso regency may still be less famous if compared to its Banyuwangi neighbor. However, who would have thought that Bondowoso also has many cool tourist attractions. One of them is Wurung Crater

Wurung Crater is a hilly area that has super cool and charming views. Being where we don’t seem to believe that this place is in East Java. The location is more similar to the hill in the Teletubbies series

Kawah Wurung itself has recently become increasingly hype thanks to the photos that often circulate on Instagram. Initially this place was not managed as a tourist spot. As more and more travelers came there, the ticketing system began.

Visitors who want to enjoy the scenic beauty of Wurung Crater now have to pay a certain amount of money. But there is no need to worry because the entry ticket price is not too expensive. If nothing has changed, the ticket is only IDR 3,000

Hearing the word “crater” you may immediately imagine the sulfur gas emitting smoke. You will never find that in this place because even though the name is Wurung Crater, there is absolutely no crater in this place.

All that is in this place is a green view of the hills. While in the distance, the views of Mount Raung and Ijen look so handsome and elegant.

Wurung Crater Location

Administratively, Wurung Crater is located in Jampit Village, Sempol District, Bondowoso. At first glance, the scenery in this place is similar to Teletubies Hill on Mount Bromo.

However, Wurung looks more beautiful because the hills there look greener. If the weather is sunny and there is no long dry season, you cannot imagine how beautiful Crater will be.

What is minus about this Kawah Wurung (Kawu) is probably the access roads that have been damaged here and there. The condition is uphill so that the vehicle must be in really good shape if you want to come here.

On the way to Wurung Crater we will pass a coffee plantation owned by PTPN XII. The atmosphere of the coffee plantation will slightly treat the feeling of disappointment with the damaged road access

Wurung is a very photogenic place. The landscape view presented by this place really makes you drool. Seeing the photos of the scenery in Wurung, you definitely can’t help getting there.

Tips To wurung Crater

  1. Always pay attention to the Moon when you want to go because you can make seasonal choices. If the rainy season the conditions of the wurung crater hills are not green but golden brown. However, the savanna is pink and vice versa. Therefore make a choice.
  2. Bring sufficient supplies such as mineral water and food
  3. Always pay attention to the condition of the vehicle that we will use
  4. Use trekking shoes. Avoid wearing easily damaged shoes.
  5. Get rid of garbage in place…!!! if not, take your trash home

Hopefully this Wurung crater travel article can help you fill a long boring holiday. In the city of Bondowoso, there are still many interesting tours that you must visit with your relatives and friends.

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